Hello CATR members,

Please find enclosed the nomination forms for the election of the members of the CATR/ACRT Board of Directors for 2017.

Nominations are sought for a two-year term (2017-2019) for the following positions:
Vice President
Atlantic region
British Columbia
Prairie region
1 X Graduate Student
1 X Member-at-Large

Please mail, email or fax nomination forms postmarked no later than January 5, 2017 to:

Mail  – Allana C. Lindgren, Department of Theatre, University of Victoria, PO Box 1700, Stn. CSC, Victoria, BC, V8W 2Y2
Email – aclind@uvic.ca

Many thanks,

Download the nominations form


Chère Membres de ACRT,

Veuillez trouver ci-joint les formulaires pour la mise en candidature pour l’élection 2017 des membres du Conseil d’administration.

Voici les postes à un mandat de deux ans (2017-2019) qui sont à combler:
1 étudiant
1 membre universel

Veuillez envoyer les mises en candidature au plus tard le 5 janvier 2015 à l’une des adresses suivantes:

Poste: Allana C. Lindgren, Department of Theatre, University of Victoria, PO Box 1700, Stn. CSC, Victoria, BC, V8W 2Y2
Courriel : aclind@uvic.ca


Download the nominations form