From the Posting:
“The Department of Theatre & Performance, AMPD at York University invites highly qualified applicants to apply for a professorial stream tenure-track appointment in Design for Performance at the Assistant Professor level, to commence July 1, 2023.
Application Components:
- Due date for completed applications: 5 December 2022
- Required components
- cover letter
- current CV
- separate statements of a) research/creative work and b) teaching interests
- teaching evaluations
- names of three (3) referees who can speak to the candidate’s qualifications. Note: Letters of reference will only be solicited from finalists advancing to the interview. Letters do not need to be provided with the initial application.
- Candidates must also download, complete, and submit a Work Status Declaration form. This is a mandatory form and no application will be considered without it.
- Submit materials addressed to Prof. Ian Garrett, Co-Chair of the Search committee— Design for Performance, via email to Mary Pecchia, Administrative Assistant of the Department of Theatre & Performance (mpecchia@yorku.ca)”