Most of you reading this message will already know of the great loss to the arts communities of Alberta and Saskatchewan, and all of Canada, in a tragic automobile accident on 11 February.

Four of our own were lost, including Michael Green, co-founder and artistic director of One Yellow Rabbit Theatre Company, Michele Sereda, co-founder and artistic director of Curtain Razors Theatre in Regina, artist and performer Lacy Morin-Desjarlais, and Narcisse Blood, Blackfoot elder, artist, and educator.

Word of these tragic losses has spread quickly around the CATR community.  Members of the Executive have known, worked with, laughed with, loved these people for many years.  Words fail us at such times–nonetheless, we write to offer our heartfelt condolences to the families and friends of those lost, and to the arts communities now in mourning.  Know that our thoughts are with you.

Stephen Johnson, President/Président, for the Executive and membership of CATR/ACRT
Canadian Association for Theatre Research / Association Canadienne de la Recherche Théâtrale