Dear members of the CATR,


March 8th, 2021

4:00-6:00 PM Eastern Standard Time (US and Canada)

CATR E-roundtable on Publishing in Academic Journals  


Ric Knowles and Yana Meerzon


Yana Meerzon

The guests are

Kim Solga (University of Western Ontario), Leo Cabranes-Grant   (UC Santa Barbara), Ric Knowles (Guelph University), and  Silvija Jestrovic (Warwick University)

Our guests will share their experience as editors of academic journals in Canada and internationally. They will talk about strategies of writing article submissions, selecting journals and submitting essays and revising and responding to peer-reviewers’ comments. Their brief presentations will be followed by a question period.  

This roundtable is the first in a series of three events on issues related to academic publishing. The second event, on submitting and publishing an academic book, is coming up on March 15, and the third event – a panel and workshop on writing a conference proposal research application – is scheduled for April 19.  

We encourage members to send questions in advance to

Yana Meerzon, CATR President


Chères et chers membres de l’ACRT,


8 mars 2021

16h-18h, heure standard de l’Est (États-Unis et Canada)

Table ronde électronique de l’ACRT sur la publication dans les revues académiques  

Organisation :

Ric Knowles et Yana Meerzon

Modératrice :

Yana Meerzon

Les invité·e·s sont :

Kim Solga (Université de Western Ontario), Leo Cabranes-Grant (UC Santa Barbara), Ric Knowles (Université de Guelph) et Silvija Jestrovic (Université de Warwick)

Nos invité·e·s partageront leur expérience en tant que rédacteurs et rédactrices de revues scientifiques au Canada ainsi qu’à l’étranger. Ils et elles parleront des stratégies de rédaction des articles soumis, de la sélection des revues, et de la soumission des essais, de même que de la révision et de la réponse aux commentaires des pairs procédant aux évaluations. Leurs brèves présentations seront suivies d’une période de questions.  

Cette table ronde est la première d’une série de trois événements sur des questions liées à la publication académique. Le deuxième événement, qui portera sur la soumission et la publication d’un ouvrage scientifique, aura lieu le 15 mars ; le troisième, une table ronde et un atelier sur la rédaction d’une proposition de recherche pour une conférence, est prévu le 19 avril.  

Nous encourageons les membres à envoyer leurs questions à l’avance à

Yana Meerzon, présidente de l’ACRT



Leo Cabranes-Grant is an award winning scholar and playwright. He won the ATHE Award for Best Essay of the Year (2011), and the Puerto Rican Institute of Culture Award for Playwriting (2006). His most recent book is From Scenarios to Networks: Performing the Intercultural in Colonial Mexico (Northwestern UP, 2016). He was Chief Editor of Theatre Survey (Cambridge University Press and ASTR). His work explores intercultural performances in Spain, Latin America, and the Caribbean, from the Renaissance to the contemporary.

Silvija Jestrovic is Professor of Theatre  and Performance Studies at the University of Warwick. She is the author of three monographs with her latest book Performing Authorial Presence and Absence: The Author Dies Hard, published by Palgrave in 2020.  She has also co-edited (with Shirin Rai, Milija Gluhovic and Michael Saward) the Oxford Handbook of Politics and Performance (OUP 2020). She is the leader of the British Academy funded research project Cultures of the Left: Manifestations and performances. Silvija is the associate editor of the journal Theatre Research International (since 2018), taking on the editorship of the journal in 2022.

Ric Knowles is University Professor Emeritus at the University of Guelph, former editor of Modern Drama, Theatre Journal, and Canadian Theatre Review. He has won the Outstanding Editing (sustained achievement) award from ATHE, and the Patrick O’Neill Award for editing from CATR.

Kim Solga is Professor of Theatre Studies in the Department of English and Writing Studies at Western University. She is the editor or co-editor of five books of essays, an anthology of plays, and three special journal issues. She is also the current General Editor of Theatre Research in Canada/Recherches théâtrales au Canada.


Video recording of this event is now available available on the CATR/ACRT YouTube Channel, here:

La table ronde électronique est maintenant disponible sur le canal YouTube de l’ACRT, ici :

Links to all of our e-roundtable videos can be found on the COVID-19 Teaching Resources page of the CATR/ACRT website, here:

Toutes les tables rondes électroniques de l’ACRT sont disponible sur la page « COVID-19 Teaching Resources » ici :