*NOTE: The deadline has been extended to 27 April 2018

Call for Proposals: “Beyond #MeToo: A Roundtable and discussion session on misconduct in theatre studies, practice, and training.”
Committee on Conduct (Roberta Barker, Erin Hurley [Chair], and Kim McLeod)

As part of our mandate to receive, respond to, and educate on matters of inappropriate professional conduct for the Association, the CATR Committee on Conduct is organising a roundtable on the subject of misconduct in theatre studies, practice, and training for the 2018 CATR conference in Kingston.

We invite proposals for 3 to 5-minute presentations addressing issues in or responses to misconduct (including harassment in any form, discrimination, assault, bullying, and related offenses) in theatre training, studies, and practice. Each presentation should close with a question pointing to next steps on these matters in our work as scholars, artists, teachers, and students. Following the roundtable presentations, those assembled will take up the questions raised by the speakers in small-group discussion. Key ideas, strategies, and themes emerging from the group discussions will be reported back to the larger group to help build collectives awareness, knowledge, and positive strategies moving forward.

Proposals from graduate students and emerging scholars are particularly encouraged.

Please submit 1) a short proposal (250-words, maximum) specifying the topic to which you wish to speak and the question with which you will close your remarks, and 2) a biographical statement which also indicates why you should be a roundtable speaker for this session. Revised deadline: 27 April 2018.

Submit proposals to the Committee (Roberta Barker, Erin Hurley, and Kim McLeod) at catr.conduct@gmail.com.