Our recent CATR E-Talk on Publishing an Academic Book held on March 15th is now available on the CATR/ACRT YouTube Channel, here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jSWLvnmVv_s.
The talk was organized by Ric Knowles and Yana Meerzon and featured Susan Bennett (University of Calgary), Julia Listengarten (University of Central Florida), Daphne P. Lei (University of California, Irvine), and Ramón H. Rivera-Servera (Northwestern University). Yana Meerzon was the moderator.
Links to all of our e-roundtable videos can be found on the COVID-19 Teaching Resources page of the CATR/ACRT website, here: https://catracrt.ca/resources/covid-19-teaching-resources/
La table ronde virtuelle de l’ACRT sur la publication d’ouvrages académiques qui a eu lieu le 15 mars est maintenant disponible sur le canal YouTube de l’ACRT : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jSWLvnmVv_s.
La table ronde a été organisée par Ric Knowles et Yana Meerzon. Les invité·e·s étaient : Susan Bennett (University of Calgary), Julia Listengarten (University of Central Florida), Daphne P. Lei (University of California, Irvine) et Ramón H. Rivera-Servera (Northwestern University). Yana Meerzon a été la moderatrice.
Toutes les tables rondes électroniques de l’ACRT sont disponible sur la page « COVID-19 Teaching Resources » ici : https://catracrt.ca/resources/covid-19-teaching-resources/