About CATR Communications | Communications de l'ACRT

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So far CATR Communications | Communications de l'ACRT has created 247 blog entries.

Élections au conseil de l’ACRT – 2021

2021-03-08T19:12:11+00:00March 6, 2021|

Le conseil de l’ACRT compte un représentant de chacune des régions géographiques suivantes: les provinces de l’Atlantique, le Québec, l’Ontario, les Prairies, l’Alberta et les Territoires et la Colombie-Britannique. À ces représentants s’ajoutent un(e) représentant(e) francophone, deux représentant(e)s des étudiant(e)s des cycles supérieurs, deux membres sans désignation régionale, et un(e) [...]

2021 Board of Directors Election

2021-03-06T22:30:22+00:00March 6, 2021|

The CATR/ACRT requires a Board of Directors that includes one representative from each of the following geographical areas: Atlantic Region, Québec, Ontario, Prairie Region, Alberta and the Territories, and British Columbia. In addition, the Board will also include one francophone representative, two graduate student representatives, two Representatives at Large, and [...]

CATR E-roundtable on Publishing in Academic Journals | Table ronde électronique de l’ACTR sur la publication dans les revues académiques

2021-03-11T20:05:18+00:00February 26, 2021|

Dear members of the CATR, MARK YOUR CALENDARS!! March 8th, 2021 4:00-6:00 PM Eastern Standard Time (US and Canada) CATR E-roundtable on Publishing in Academic Journals   Organizers Ric Knowles and Yana Meerzon Moderator Yana Meerzon The guests are Kim Solga (University of Western Ontario), Leo Cabranes-Grant   (UC Santa [...]

Practicing Equity: Antiracist Stage Management with Narda E. Alcorn

2021-02-17T20:12:53+00:00February 17, 2021|

2020-21 BIPOC Speaker Series Department of Dramatic Arts and Marilyn I. Walker School of Fine and Performing Arts, Brock University Conversations in which Black, Indigenous, and people of colour theatre leaders address issues of interest to the theatre community, and beyond.Practicing Equity: Antiracist Stage Management With Narda E. Alcorn Tuesday, [...]

JSTOR: Free Content

2021-02-17T19:43:59+00:00February 17, 2021|

JSTOR is allowing those with individual accounts (so, anyone!) to download up to 100 articles free per month. Support for those without institutional affiliations. https://support.jstor.org/hc/en-us/articles/115004760028-How-to-register-get-free-access-to-content

CATR E-roundtable on Publishing in Academic Journals

2021-02-09T17:14:57+00:00February 9, 2021|

Dear members of the CATR, MARK YOUR CALENDARS!! March 8th, 2021 4:00-6:00 PM Eastern Standard Time (US and Canada) CATR E-roundtable on Publishing in Academic Journals  Organizers Ric Knowles and Yana Meerzon Moderator Yana Meerzon  The guests are Kim Solga (University of Western Ontario), Leo Cabranes-Grant   (UC Santa Barbara), Ric Knowles (Guelph [...]

Nomination period extended | Délai prolongé

2021-02-05T20:06:46+00:00February 5, 2021|

Dear CATR members, We are extending the period of nomination for the CATR/ACRT Board of Directors for 2021 until February 15th, 2021. The election will take place this March 1st to 15th, 2021. Nominations are sought for a two-year term (2021-2023) for the following positions:·         Atlantic Region·         Ontario·         Prairie Region·         British Columbia·         [...]

Please Welcome the New Ontario Representative: Giorelle Diokno

2021-02-05T19:46:44+00:00February 5, 2021|

Dear CATR Members, Please welcome our new Ontario Representative, Giorelle Diokno, who has agreed to step in as Ontario Representative on the CATR Board. The position was open after the unanticipated departure of Magdalena Kazubowski-Houston, who had to step down from the role for personal reasons. Giorelle will serve in this role [...]

Galvanizing Dance Studies: Building Anti-Racist Praxis, Transformative Connections, and Movement(s) of Radical Care

2021-02-02T20:04:33+00:00February 2, 2021|

Dance Studies Association  October 14-17, 2021 Rutgers University/Hyatt Regency New Brunswick New Jersey, USA Adanna Kai Jones and Jeff Friedman (program co-chairs), Julia M. Ritter (local arrangements chair) The DSA 2021 Program Committee collectively re-imagines this international conference as a vessel that builds, explores, collaborates, performs, and agitates current practices [...]