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So far CATR Communications | Communications de l'ACRT has created 248 blog entries.

In Memoriam: Diane Bessai

2024-09-06T15:06:26+00:00September 6, 2024|

Diane Bessai (1931-2024) On April 20, 2024, CATR lost one of its most distinguished prairie pioneers, Diane Bessai, at the age of 92. While Diane was born and died in Ontario, for over fifty years her name was synonymous with Canadian and more specifically Western Canadian theatre scholarship, editing, publishing, [...]

In Memoriam: Louise Forsyth

2024-06-01T20:34:29+00:00June 1, 2024|

It is with great sadness that CATR members mourn the loss of a great friend, colleague, and supporter Louise Forsyth. Dr. Robin C. Whittaker, CATR President*****TRIBUTE Au nom du Département de théâtre de l’Université d’Ottawa, permettez-nous de témoigner de notre affection et de notre respect pour feu Louise Forsyth. Ce [...]

2023 Grants/Scholarships Announcement

2023-12-28T18:34:51+00:00December 28, 2023|

https://youtu.be/nPkMzn1pWhU VIDEO TRANSCRIPT: EMILY:Hello, colleagues and members of CATR. It is with great pleasure that the CATR Scholarships and Grants committee would like to publicly present the recipients of this year’s CATR Scholarships – the Lawrence and McCallum Scholarships – as well as the Denis Salter Grants.  First, I am [...]


2023-11-13T15:29:53+00:00November 13, 2023|

[English follows below] APPEL À CANDIDATURES : PRIX D’EXCELLENCE 2024 DE L’ACRT Chaque année, l’Association canadienne de la recherche théâtrale (ACRT) récompense les réalisations de ses membres et de non-membres, en décernant quatre prix reconnaissant la contribution d’œuvres méritoires dans le domaine de la recherche sur l’art dramatique, le théâtre [...]

2024 Call for Nominations for the CATR Associateships / 2024 Appel de candidatures : Prix Hommage et Membre associé

2023-10-25T13:44:37+00:00October 25, 2023|

The Canadian Association for Theatre Research invites nominations for its Distinguished Scholar Associateship and for its Honorary Associateship. The Distinguished Scholar Associateship is given each year to a scholar whose body of work has made a significant contribution to the study of drama, theatre, and performance, broadly understood, of what [...]

2023 CATR Research Scholarships & Grants – Call for Applicants / Appel de candidatures – Bourses de recherche de l’ACRT – 2023 

2023-08-23T23:10:22+00:00August 23, 2023|

(la version française suit)  The CATR Scholarships and Grants Committee is pleased to announce a call for applicants for the 2023 Heather McCallum Scholarship ($1000), Robert Lawrence Scholarship ($500), and the Denis Salter Grants ($500 per grant). Information about the application materials and submission can be found on the CATR/ACTR [...]

In Memoriam: Ches Skinner

2023-07-14T17:59:23+00:00July 7, 2023|

CATR members mourn the loss of former president Ches Skinner. Renowned in Lethbridge for his community service and on the University of Lethbridge campus for his generosity and kind leadership, Ches was a friend and valued colleague to many and will be widely missed. I am grateful to have spoken [...]