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So far CATR Communications | Communications de l'ACRT has created 247 blog entries.

Partition/Ensemble: Final Events

2020-08-07T21:33:07+00:00August 7, 2020|

August 7, 2020 Hello everyone, The symposium is almost over! Until then, have you paid a visit to Jean-Paul Quéinnec, Andrée-Anne Giguère, and Pierre Tremblay-Thériault’s Habitaciones: Amazonian Phonography? Sponsored, for the occasion, by the Cole Foundation, their 'cylinder’ will allow you to create your own heterogeneous partitions by positioning yourself [...]

Partition/Ensemble: ‘Performing Feminism in Networked Spaces Online and Offline’

2020-08-05T18:59:49+00:00August 5, 2020|

August 5, 2020 Hello everyone,First, please note that Julie Sermon's keynote, entitled "Partitional Regions and the Distribution of the Sensible," is now available in three formats: video (French and LSQ), transcript (French and English), and podcast (English). You can access these documents here:https://partitionensemble2020.com/contrees-partitionnelles-et-partages-du-sensible-partitional-regions-and-the-distribution-of-the-sensible/ Also, the session "Performing Feminism in Networked [...]

Statement to the CATR membership on the striking of a committee on anti-racism and diversity

2020-08-05T15:42:18+00:00August 5, 2020|

August 5, 2020 Over the past few months the CATR board has been having important and long overdue conversations about race and racism within our organization, the institutions within which we work, and our respective communities of practice. In light of our discussions, CATR president Yana Meerzon has struck a [...]