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So far CATR Communications | Communications de l'ACRT has created 247 blog entries.

CATR life time achievement and honorary member awards – reminder

2021-02-01T14:47:32+00:00February 1, 2021|

Dear CATR members, A gentle reminder that the deadline for nominating 2020 CATR Lifetime Achievement Awards and Honorary Memberships is fast approaching. Honorary membership is awarded annually by the Association to a person who has made a significant and sustained contribution to Canadian theatre. Typically, the person selected is affiliated [...]

CATR Elections | Élections au conseil d’administration de l’ACRT

2021-01-21T14:50:03+00:00January 21, 2021|

Elections for the CATR/ACRT Board of Directors for 2021 will take place this March 1st to 15th, 2021. Nominations are sought for a two-year term (2021-2023) for the following positions:Atlantic Region Ontario Prairie Region British Columbia 1X Graduate Student Representative Francophone Representative   Members of the Board are responsible for determining [...]

Join Us Thursday for the Virtual Launch of Theatre Research in Canada 41.2!

2021-01-18T19:11:15+00:00January 18, 2021|

You’re Invited to the Virtual Launch of Theatre Research in Canada 41.2! Join us Thursday, January 21 at 6pm EST for the virtual launch of Theatre Research in Canada’s special issue Performance for/by/with Young People in Canada! Enjoy readings from the authors of five articles in the issue who will be answering the question “Why does [...]

CFP: A Special Issue of Dance Chronicle: Critical Institutional Studies

2021-01-17T19:39:08+00:00January 17, 2021|

Call for Papers A Special Issue of Dance Chronicle: Critical Institutional StudiesEdited by Olive Mckeon and Clare LidburyDeadline for submissions: June 1, 2021Contact email: omckeon@smith.edu, C.Lidbury@wlv.ac.uk We will be editing a special issue of the journal focused on the systematic inquiry into the workings of dance institutions. “There is more to dance than meets [...]

Reminder! Jan. 8: E-roundtable on Indigenous Theatre & Research Methods

2021-01-03T01:27:55+00:00January 3, 2021|

January 2, 2021 Dear members of the CATR, MARK YOUR CALENDARS!! January 8th, 2021 06:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) *see link below* CATR E-roundtable on Indigenous Theatre and Research Methods Organizer and Moderator Deneh'Cho Thompson  The guests are Jill Carter, PhD, Assistant Professor (Centre for Drama, Theatre and Performance Studies; Transitional Year [...]

Job Openings: University of Manitoba

2020-12-17T18:23:39+00:00December 17, 2020|

December 17, 2020 Instructor I - Department of English, Theatre, Film & Media University of Manitoba English, Theatre, Film & Media Position AdvertisementPosition Numbers 29544 & 29545The Department of English, Theatre, Film & Media, Faculty of Arts, University of Manitoba, invites applications for two full-time probationary appointments at the rank [...]