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So far CATR Communications | Communications de l'ACRT has created 247 blog entries.

Environmental Stewardship in Theatre and Performance Education (Working Group)

2022-02-19T03:30:05+00:00February 18, 2022|

CATR WORKING GROUP CALL FOR PARTICIPANTS Environmental Stewardship in Theatre and Performance Education The urgency of the climate crisis requires theatre and performance practitioners, researchers and educators to develop and refine practices of environmental stewardship in all aspects of their work. The theatre industry is increasingly using metrics of sustainability [...]

Groupe de travail sur l’engagement somatique

2022-02-19T03:31:28+00:00February 18, 2022|

ACRT 2022 Groupe de travail sur l'engagement somatique (année 2)Co-leaders : Christine (cricri) Bellerose & Ulla NeuerburgAPPEL À PARTICIPANT.E.S Nous acceptons la candidature d'artistes-chercheur.e.s (français / anglais) pour se joindre à notregroupe de participant.e.s en action depuis 2019. Pour ce faire,1) faites-nous part de votre intérêt à joindre le groupe [...]

Somatic Engagement Working Group

2022-02-19T03:32:12+00:00February 18, 2022|

CATR 2022 Somatic Engagement Working group (year 2)Co-leaders : Christine (cricri) Bellerose & Ulla Neuerburg CALL FOR PARTICIPANTSWe are accepting additional artist-researchers (français / English) to join our existing group.Please,1) tell us about your interest in joining the Somatic Engagement Working Group,2) provide a short bio and name your somatic [...]

Artists United Against Racism panel series sponsored by Teesri Duniya Theatre

2022-02-09T18:40:41+00:00February 9, 2022|

Teesri Duniya Theatre Co. Panel Discussion Series Artists United Against Racism Teesri Duniya Theatre’s 2021-2022 season will also include a four-part creative virtual series. Panelists and artists will help us explore the facets of dismantling white-supremacy in theatre in order to tackle racism in our community.  Artists United Against Racism [...]

CATR 2022 – Lifetime Achievement Award and Honorary Associateships / ACRT Prix Hommage et Membre Associé(e)  – propositions de candidature/call for nominations

2022-02-08T21:31:28+00:00February 8, 2022|

CATR 2022 Lifetime Achievement Award and Honorary Associateships / ACRT Prix Hommage et Membre Associé(e)  – propositions de candidature/call for nominations DEADLINE: 1 April 2022 La version française suit. ----The Canadian Association for Theatre Research/ l'Association canadienne de la recherche théâtrale invites nominations for its Lifetime Achievement Associateship and Honorary Associateship.A Lifetime Achievement Associateship is presented annually by the [...]

University of Waterloo: TT Assistant Professor, Theatre & Performance

2022-01-25T18:07:40+00:00January 25, 2022|

The Department of Communication Arts in the Faculty ofArts at the University of Waterloo invites applications for a tenure-track Assistant Professor in Theatre and Performance beginning July 1, 2022. The Department of Communication Arts, located in a research-intensive university, houses several programs for students, including undergraduate programs in Theatre & [...]


2022-01-24T18:11:24+00:00January 24, 2022|

(Le français suit) JOB POSTING for CONFERENCE COORDINATOR of the CATR 2022 Conference CATR 2022: Performing Emergence: RePlay, ReCollect, ReExist is the hybrid conference of the Canadian Association for Theatre Research (https://catracrt.ca). It will be run on the TheatreAgora.ca website through online hosts St. Thomas University (May 27-28) and the [...]


2022-01-24T18:10:33+00:00January 24, 2022|

JOB POSTING for TECHNICAL DIRECTOR of the CATR 2022 Conference CATR 2022: Performing Emergence: RePlay, ReCollect, ReExist is the hybrid conference of the Canadian Association for Theatre Research (https://catracrt.ca). It will be run on the TheatreAgora.ca website through online hosts St. Thomas University (May 27-28) and the University of Toronto [...]