CFP: CATR conference Toronto 27-30 May 2017

2016-09-12T12:37:32+00:00September 12, 2016|

Canadian Association for Theatre Research Conference | Colloque L’association canadienne de la recherche théâtrale La version française suit. We would like to acknowledge this sacred land. It has been a site of human activity for 15,000 years. Takaronto has been stewarded by the Erie, Petun, Wendat, and Seneca First Nations, [...]

Post-Doc in Disability Studies and Social Innovation

2016-09-02T00:44:30+00:00September 2, 2016|

Some of you may be interested in this, or know someone who is: Fellowship Description Research program title Confronting Able-ism: Social Innovation, Research Creation and Collaborative Media-Making Reference number 1021 Supervisor Kim Sawchuk and Giuliana Cucinelli Program description The purpose of the PDF, Confronting Able-ism: Social Innovation, Research Creation and Collaborative Media-Making, [...]

CATR 2017 Scholarly Awards

2016-09-02T00:38:53+00:00September 2, 2016|

La version française suit. Canadian Association for Theatre Research (CATR) 2017 Scholarly Awards           The Richard Plant, Jean-Cléo Godin, Patrick O’Neill and Ann Saddlemyer Awards Guidelines & Call for Nominations Nominations for the Richard Plant Award, the Jean-Cléo Godin Award, the Ann Saddlemyer and the O’Neill Award will be [...]