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So far CATR Communications | Communications de l'ACRT has created 247 blog entries.

Partition/Ensemble 2020: Update

2020-07-30T16:38:54+00:00July 30, 2020|

July 30, 2020 If you missed Émilie Monnet’s keynote, you can access it here in the language of your choice:https://partitionensemble2020.com/je-suis-nee-libre-i-was-born-free/ Little reminder that the performance by Anand Rajaram that was meant to take place today has been postponed. That said, there are still many activities to take part in:https://partitionensemble2020.com/program/

Partition/Ensemble 2020 – “Age and Performance: Expanding Intersectionality” Live Tomorrow

2020-07-28T20:21:32+00:00July 28, 2020|

July 28, 2020 Great conference by Émilie Monnet yesterday! And among the many asynchronous events taking place, tomorrow you can attend "Age and Performance: Expanding Intersectionality" live at 1pm (EST). If you want more info or wish to register:https://partitionensemble2020.com/age-and-performance-expanding-intersectionality-au-croisement-de-lage-et-de-la-performance/

Partition/Ensemble goes live on Monday morning! / Partition/Ensemble commence lundi matin !

2020-07-24T20:36:30+00:00July 24, 2020|

July 24, 2020 Partition/Ensemble goes live on Monday morning! We can’t wait to see and hear you there, in English and French, in ASL and LSQ, in Attikamek and Anishinaabemowin and Kanien’kéha, in described video and transcripts, in research and creation. Aside from our very exciting asynchronous programming, one of [...]

Call for Proposals – Rehearsing Racial Equity: A Critical Anthology on Anti-Racism and Repair in the Arts

2020-07-13T15:17:38+00:00July 13, 2020|

13 July 2020 Edited by Roxy Hornbeck and Jasmine Mahmoud, Assistant Professors, Seattle UniversityIn the arts sector, “racial equity” has -- in the last 15 years -- become a central language through which artists, as well as arts administrators, educators, policymakers, and scholars frame their practice. In Seattle, WA, for [...]

2020 Board of Directors Election

2020-04-03T18:36:44+00:00March 18, 2020|

The CATR/ACRT requires a Board of Directors that includes one representative from each of the following geographical areas: Atlantic Region, Québec, Ontario, Prairie Region, Alberta and the Territories, and British Columbia. In addition, the Board will also include one francophone representative, two graduate student representatives, three Representatives at Large, and [...]

Élections au conseil de l’ACRT – 2020

2020-04-03T18:51:03+00:00March 18, 2020|

Le conseil de l’ACRT compte un représentant de chacune des régions géographiques suivantes: les provinces de l’Atlantique, le Québec, l’Ontario, les Prairies, l’Alberta et les Territoires et la Colombie-Britannique. À ces représentants s’ajoutent un(e) représentant(e) francophone, deux représentant(e)s des étudiant(e)s des cycles supérieurs, trois membres sans désignation régionale, et un(e) [...]

Heritage Canada response to Board Statement on NAC Indigenous Theatre

2019-07-27T18:23:01+00:00July 27, 2019|

Dear Ms. Hurley: I am writing in response to your correspondence addressed to the Honourable Pablo Rodriguez, Minister of Canadian Heritage and Multiculturalism, regarding federal government funding for the National Arts Centre (NAC) Indigenous Theatre. Minister Rodriguez appreciates your taking the time to write on this matter. Please excuse the delay [...]