About CATR Communications | Communications de l'ACRT

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So far CATR Communications | Communications de l'ACRT has created 248 blog entries.

Lawrence Prize Call for Self-Nominations / Appel d’auto-nominations du Prix Lawrence de l’ACRT

2023-04-12T18:39:20+00:00April 12, 2023|

(La version française suit.)  CATR Lawrence Prize Call for Self-Nominations The Robert G. Lawrence Prize was established in 1995 by the Association to honour the memory and contribution of a valued member and friend. The prize recognizes the research of an emerging scholar who has presented an outstanding paper at [...]

In Memoriam: Joan Lawrence

2023-04-06T15:41:53+00:00April 6, 2023|

In April 2022, Joan Lawrence, wife of valued CATR member Robert G. Lawrence, passed away. Her support for our members in the form of the Robert G. Lawrence Prize, since 1995, and the Robert G. Lawrence Scholarship, since 2016, has contributed funding to a wide array of research projects. Famously, [...]

In Memoriam: Heather McCallum

2023-04-06T17:03:06+00:00April 6, 2023|

Members of CATR mourn the passing of Heather McCallum in October 2022. As Head of the Theatre Department at the Toronto Reference Library from 1961 to 1987, Heather was responsible for igniting the flame of theatre research for many of our members. Since 1988, CATR has made available the Heather [...]

In Memoriam: Eury Chang

2023-04-06T15:37:44+00:00April 4, 2023|

(Le français suit)  Dear CATR Colleagues,  It is with heavy hearts that the CATR Board learned of the recent passing of our colleague, friend, and BC Representative, Dr. Eury Chang, after a long illness.  On the CATR Board, Eury served on the Anti-Racism and Anti-Oppression Committee, the Archival Committee, and [...]

Complete Election Results 2023 | Résultats complets des élections 2023Complete Election Results 2023 |

2023-04-03T12:30:58+00:00April 3, 2023|

Dear CATR/ACRT colleagues, Thank you to those who participated in our recent elections to the Board of Directors of CATR. We're delighted to report the complete results, as follows: Jayna Mees Graduate Student Representative Fraser Stevens Member-at-large Kailin Wright Atlantic Region Craig Walker Ontario Jessica Riley Prairie Region Shelley Liebembuk British Columbia [...]

CATR 2023 Conference Call for Participants / Colloque de l’ACRT 2023 : Appel à participant.e.s aux séances

2023-05-17T20:10:23+00:00March 28, 2023|

(La version française suit.) CATR Conference 2023: Call for Session ParticipantsPerforming Shores / The Shores of Performance CATR 2023 features over 70 sessions, several of which are seeking interested participants.Please read the descriptions of each session below and follow the instructions provided to indicate your interest. All session participants are [...]

Run-off election: CATR Board of Directors 2023 | Élections au conseil de l’ACRT 2023 : Deuxième tour de scrutin

2023-03-24T20:36:51+00:00March 24, 2023|

Subject line: Run-off election: CATR Board of Directors 2023 | Élections au conseil de l’ACRT 2023 : Deuxième tour de scrutin [Le français suit plus bas] Dear Colleagues, The 2023 election for the CATR/ACRT Board of Directors has now ended. Congratulations to Fraser Stevens, who has been elected as Member-at-Large. [...]

Deadline Extended: Special issue on Solidarity at RiDE: Journal of Applied Theatre and Performance

2023-03-22T14:59:15+00:00March 22, 2023|

Deadline extended for the special issue at RiDE: Journal of Applied Theatre and Performance on the topic of solidarity by 3 more weeks (April 5); please see full call for papers. Editors invite all forms of contribution, including articles, short reflective essays, interviews or other artistic responses to the topic. [...]

Invitation to April 1st E-initiative panel on Pathways to Alt-Ac Careers

2023-03-22T14:18:00+00:00March 22, 2023|

The Task Force on Precarity is pleased to kick off our E-initiative series supporting precarious and contingent educators and researchers in Drama, Theatre and Performance Studies. Over the next few months we will be hosting panels, workshops, and seminars that aim to cultivate community and provide assistance for the majority [...]