CATR Graduate Student Travel Bursary
Application Form [here]
Deadline: 26 May 2023
The Canadian Association for Theatre Research/L’Association canadienne de la recherche théâtrale is proud to see an increasing level of participation in the annual conference from student members. CATR/ACRT aims to support contributions from emerging scholars by offering greatly reduced conference and membership fees, as well as by providing modest financial support to offset costs of travel for students coming to the annual conference. This financial support is made available thanks to the donations made by Association members.
L’Association canadienne de la recherche théâtrale/The Canadian Association for Theatre Research (ACRT/CATR) est fière de voir un nombre croissant d’étudiants participer au colloque annuel. Les membres de ACRT/CATR vise à soutenir les contributions des chercheur·es émergent·es en offrant des frais de colloque et d’adhésion grandement réduits, ainsi qu’en accordant du soutien financier pour compenser les frais de voyage pour les étudiants qui participeront au colloque annuel. Ce soutien financier est possible grâce aux dons des membres de l’ACRT/CATR.