2020 Board of Directors Election

2020-04-03T18:36:44+00:00March 18, 2020|

The CATR/ACRT requires a Board of Directors that includes one representative from each of the following geographical areas: Atlantic Region, Québec, Ontario, Prairie Region, Alberta and the Territories, and British Columbia. In addition, the Board will also include one francophone representative, two graduate student representatives, three Representatives at Large, and [...]

Élections au conseil de l’ACRT – 2020

2020-04-03T18:51:03+00:00March 18, 2020|

Le conseil de l’ACRT compte un représentant de chacune des régions géographiques suivantes: les provinces de l’Atlantique, le Québec, l’Ontario, les Prairies, l’Alberta et les Territoires et la Colombie-Britannique. À ces représentants s’ajoutent un(e) représentant(e) francophone, deux représentant(e)s des étudiant(e)s des cycles supérieurs, trois membres sans désignation régionale, et un(e) [...]

JOB POSTING: Departmental chair; open-ranked tenured position at Brock University, Ontario, Canada: Drama in Education / Applied Theatre

2020-03-11T13:20:15+00:00March 11, 2020|

This position is part of the BUFA (Employee Group) Careers are Built at Brock. As a Top Employer in Hamilton-Niagara, Brock University offers unique opportunities in leadership, teaching, research, student support services, and administration. We have a history of developing the strength and career potential of our employees. We are on [...]