Poste contractuel en Études d`art dramatique (2017-2018)

2016-10-17T16:18:09+00:00October 17, 2016|

The English text follows the French ÉTUDES D’ART DRAMATIQUE Université York, Collège universitaire Glendon Le programme d’Études d’art dramatique du Collège universitaire Glendon, Université York, sollicite des candidatures pour un poste contractuel d’une durée d’un an, renouvelable jusqu’à concurrence de trois ans, en Études d’art dramatique. Entrée en fonction : [...]

CFP for Untold Stories of the Past 150 Years

2017-01-06T20:14:27+00:00October 11, 2016|

Canada’s 150th anniversary of Confederation offers a pivotal moment not only to re-evaluate the dominant narratives that helped to shape Canadian national identity, but also to consider those narratives that, until recently, have been suppressed or held considerably less attention in public forums and debates. Many of the nation’s dominant stories and [...]

Nominations for CATR Board of Directors 2017

2016-10-03T13:03:28+00:00October 3, 2016|

Hello CATR members, Please find enclosed the nomination forms for the election of the members of the CATR/ACRT Board of Directors for 2017. Nominations are sought for a two-year term (2017-2019) for the following positions: Vice President Atlantic region Ontario British Columbia Prairie region 1 X Graduate Student 1 X [...]